Volume 7, Issue 4 (2021)                   Pharm Biomed Res 2021, 7(4): 271-278 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahangar N, Bakhshi Jouybari H, Davoodi A, Shahani S. Phytochemical Screening and Antinociceptive Activity of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Potentilla reptans L.. Pharm Biomed Res 2021; 7 (4) :271-278
URL: http://pbr.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-394-en.html
1- Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran.
2- Department of Pharmacognosy and Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
Abstract:   (1779 Views)
Background: Potentilla species have traditionally been used as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents in Iran and other countries. 
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the antinociceptive effect of Potentilla reptans L., which has a wide distribution in the north of Iran.
Methods: The biological activities of the hydroalcoholic extract of P. reptans aerial parts have been investigated using the acetic acid-induced writhing, hot plate, and rotarod tests in the male mice. In addition, the phytochemical profile of the extract has been evaluated.
Results: The phytochemical investigation detected secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids, and tannins in the extract. Moreover, the Mean±SD total phenolic and tannin contents of the extract were 251±2.08 and 111.5±1.3 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of dried extract, respectively. Also, the Mean±SD total flavonoid content was 29.42±3.31 mg quercetin equivalents per gram of dried extract. Oral administration of the extract (100, 300, and 500 mg/kg) dose-dependently reduced the number of writhing responses induced by acetic acid and increased the reaction time in the hot-plate test. The antinociceptive effect of the extract, similar to morphine, was significantly antagonized by naloxone (4 mg/kg; IP) in the writhing test. In the rotarod test, none of the extract doses used in the experiment caused a loss of locomotor activity. 
Conclusion: In this study, the hydroalcoholic extract of P. reptans showed a practical antinociceptive effect in hot plate and writhing tests. It seems that opioid receptors mediate the observed effect.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Pharmacognosy

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